MGWCC #448 — Saturday, December 31st, 2016 — “Next, Please”



Surprisingly (to me, anyway) polarizing puzzle from MGWCC’s own Dave Sullivan last week. Solvers were presented with dishes from five foreign restaurants, and had to figure out that their country codes spelled out the phone number to the BROADWAY DINER in Hicksville, N.Y.

Read my full review here, and big thanks to Dave for the puzzle.

GabeLuis says:

Could this be the Christmas miracle? My first correct Week 4 answer?

genefaba asks:

Do you know if they deliver to Manhattan?

And finally, the great Peter Gordon didn’t need delivery, since he drove the 20 minutes there from his house to have brunch with his daughter Phoebe. One might convincingly argue that Peter is the best crossword editor working today, and the puzzle he edits is the extremely enjoyable Fireball Crosswords.


This week’s winner, whose name was chosen at random from among the 235 correct entries received, is C.C. In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil, and notepad set, C.C. will also receive a 1-year subscription to Matt Gaffney’s Daily Crossword.


Welp, I wound up not being able to fix my scheduled Week 5 idea after all. It will make an appearance soon as a Week 2 or 3, which is what it became after the unfixable element was removed. The best laid plans of mice and crossword writers…but let’s just say I owe you a random Week 5 in the coming year.

For now, please accept this not-Week-5-difficulty Week 5. I don’t think it will snap many streaks, but hope you’ll dig it anyway. See you next year, and thanks for solving these things!

This week’s contest answer is five syllables long.

Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.

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