MGWCC #398 — Friday, January 15th, 2016 — “Go with the Flow”

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2015 MGWCC is a subscribers-only crossword. The cost is $26 per year, and you can subscribe (or get a free trial month first) here:



Instructions last week read: What (specific!) Winter Olympics event is suggested by each of this puzzle’s theme entries? Our four theme entries were:

17-A [Public assistance high in the Rockies?] = DENVER DOLE
30-A [Noisy dog outside a clothing store?] = ROSS BARKER
44-A [That he could come back to life and show Scrooge the error of their ways?] = MARLEY HOPE
58-A [Origami bird made by poet Thomas?] = DYLAN CRANE

Each of these eight words is the surname of a famous person named Bob, making each of these entries, if you squint hard enough, a TWO-MAN BOBSLED (or BOBSLEIGH).

Jed says:

It’s hard to pick a winner among these four, but I’m going with Marley & Hope, because Cool Runnings.

kzcondor notes:

B(o)B8 makes an appearance after all.

From last week’s meta, where solvers wondered if the “Star Wars” Universe character in question might be B-B8.

Johnstonteacher says:

Nice corners!


And Gwinns quips:

If I got this wrong I’ll feel like a real luger.

This week’s winner, whose name was chosen randomly from the 471 correct entries received, is Michael Rigney of Chicago, Ill. In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil and notepad set, Michael will also receive a 1-year subscription to MGDX.


Because so many MGWCC solvers are participating in the MIT Mystery Hunt this weekend, this week’s contest deadline will be noon ET on Wednesday, January 20th.


This week’s contest answer is a certain group of people found on the water, preceded by a two-letter exclamation you’ll say once you get the meta.

Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2015 MGWCC is a subscribers-only crossword. The cost is $26 per year, and you can subscribe (or get a free trial month first) here:

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