Prompt: This week’s contest answer is one of the seven continents.
Correct entries: 772
One (or two) capital cities of South America nestled inside our theme entries last week, like so:
17-A: [“The Mystery of the Stolen Makeup,” for example?] = MASCARA CASE. Caracas, Venezuela.
24-A: [Shrub made of sturdy fabric?] = BURLAP AZALEA. La Paz, Bolivia. Never sure exactly how many capitals Bolivia and South Africa have, but I know La Paz is one of the Bolivian ones.
38-A: [Hot and humid, just the way their larvae like it?] = MOSQUITO CLIMATE. Two capitals for the price of one here, with Quito, Ecuador and Lima, Peru represented.
49-A: [Plot point in many Sylvester Stallone movies?] = RAMBO GOT AWAY. Bogota, Colombia.
59-A: [Edition of a Homer poem owned by actress Winger?] = DEBRA’S ILIAD. Brasilia, Brazil. Debra Winger herself e-mailed a me a picture of her holding up her personal copy of the Iliad, along with a solved version of the meta. I jest.
This week’s contest answer is what you might say after you get the meta.