Title: “I Shall Return”
Prompt: This week’s contest answer is a noted movie sequel (be sure to submit the sequel’s title, not the original’s).
Answer: MOANA 2 found by 535 solvers, 526 of which were solo solves
Looking for a movie sequel, and our theme entries were:
17-A: [Tourist’s need on the second-largest island of the Philippines?] = MINDANAO MAP
28-A: [Breakfast eaten in a state of enlightenment?] = NIRVANA OMELETS
42-A: [Student’s reaction to an unexpectedly high grade?] = I GOT AN A, OMIGOSH!
54-A: [“Allow me to introduce you two US Open finalists of 2018”?] = SERENA, NAOMI
And then at the omega-across:
64-A: [“And…she’s ___” (famous Disney movie line of 2016…and what’s going on in our theme entries)] = BACK
And there MOANA is in reverse (ANAOM) in each of our theme entries, making the recently-released “Moana 2” our contest answer.
Big thanks to Gridmaster T for the graphic above!
Consider subscribing to the new edition of Fireball Newsflash Crosswords, written by the great Peter Gordon. Current events crosswords full of newsy entries:
This puzzle’s contest answer is a celebrity with a total of eight letters in their first and last names.
Good luck!