MGWCC #381 — Friday, September 18th, 2015 — “Born for This”

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2015 MGWCC is a subscribers-only crossword. The cost is $26 per year, and you can subscribe (or get a free trial month first) here:



“Read Between the Lines” read last week’s puzzle title, and our six theme entries, each of which ended with a parenthetical number between one and six, were:

38-A [Rapping sound (1)] = RAT-A-TAT
40-A [Old-school candy that became what is now Fun Dip (2)] = LIK-M-AID
60-A [1994 Robert Altman film (3)] = PRET-A-PORTER
17-A [Furniture with a handle (4)] = LA-Z-BOY CHAIR
56-A [Mr. October? (5)] = not Reggie Jackson but a JACK-O-LANTERN
20-A [Fast-food chain with a “Not-So-Secret-Menu” (6)] = IN-N-OUT BURGER

Take the letter-between-two-hyphens in each theme entry (“Read Between the Lines”) and you get AMAZON, the corporation many Americans read by.

magoo says:


Raygirl reminisces:

Lik-m-aid! I remember thinking I could mix it with water and make kool aid (which we weren’t allowed to have). Fail.

Ian Livengood writes:

I juuuussst bought a book on Amazon before solving this puzzle. Spooky!

Mikey quips:

I was primed for this one.

adamrosenfield wasn’t going to miss AMAZON:

My employer

Qatsi says I hurt someone’s feelings:

The Ty-D-Bol Man is singing the blues because he was left out…

Norm Hurlbut liked it:

MGWCC delivers yet again.

But not via drone! And finally, Cole wonders:

Do they give you a commission for each correct answer?

This week’s winner, whose name was chosen at random from the 425 correct entries received, is Charles Moritz of Dorset, Vt. In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil and notepad set, Charles will also receive a subscription to Brendan Quigley’s Kickstarter project, Diagramless Crosswords. The project was funded for well over $7k — nice!


In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil and notepad set, contest winners this week and next will also receive a subscription to Joon Pahk‘s new crossword variant feature, Outside the Box Puzzles.


Exciting news: starting today I’ll be writing a contest crossword every other Friday for the Wall Street Journal. The first one is here:

There’s also a guide to contest crosswords which I wrote here:

The contest is weekly; on alternate Fridays the puzzles will be written by an extremely capable group of constructors whose bylines you’ll be very glad to see. And all of this is part of the Journal‘s new daily puzzle, which began on Monday.

I’m also very excited to be working on these with crossword legend Mike Shenk, who has for many years been the Journal‘s puzzle editor, and additionally want to thank WSJ Deputy Managing Editor (and MGWCC subscriber) Mike Miller for shepherding this project to reality.


Off-topic, but I wrote an article this week pointing out what’s fact and what’s fiction in the new Bobby Fischer movie, “Pawn Sacrifice.” Check it out here.


This week’s contest answer is a member of the U.S. Cabinet who served at some point in the past 25 years, and would have made an excellent sixth theme entry in this puzzle.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2015 MGWCC is a subscribers-only crossword. The cost is $26 per year, and you can subscribe (or get a free trial month first) here:

Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.

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