IMPORTANT NOTE: As of January 2015 MGWCC is a subscribers-only crossword. The cost is $26 per year, and you can subscribe (or get a free trial month first) here:
“Water, Water Everywhere” was the title of last week’s puzzle, and our five theme entries were:
17-A [Baroque city center getting swiftly restored these days] = OLD HAVANA. It’s about time.
25-A [Orange replica of a famous Paris structure] = TOKYO TOWER. Only one of these five I’ve been to.
40-A [Rock some kiss] = THE BLARNEY STONE
50-A [Memorial visited by over 2 million people per year] = USS ARIZONA
64-A [Locals call it “Mungibeddu”] = MOUNT ETNA
What do these five have in common? They’re all located on islands: Cuba, Honshu, Ireland, Oahu, and Sicily. The first letters of those spell out Greece’s fifth-largest island, contest answer CHIOS, found by 335 solvers.
Gwinns explains:
Embarrassing delay while staring at CJIHS before realizing Japan and Hawaii weren’t islands. (Well, Hawaii is, but you get my point)
Small Wave Dave opines:
This one was Ouzo easy!
skathic got it:
I always get so excited when I actually figure one out!
And finally, Paradox28 writes:
Luzon Ibiza Kodiak Elba Dominica Iceland Tahiti
This week’s winner, whose name was chosen randomly from the 335 correct entries received, is Ryan Kelly of Somerville, Mass. In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil and notepad set, Ryan will also receive a 1-year subscription to Matt Gaffney’s Daily’s Crossword.
200 WEEKS!
We’ve been doing the leaderboard for 200 weeks now, and check out JanglerNPL‘s perfect 200/200 over there. Nice!
And big thanks to webmaster Dave Sullivan, who created the leaderboard and maintains its smooth operation (and keeps finding ways to improve it). This site would be much diminished without his expertise.
You will feel like one of these if you solve this week’s meta.
Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.