Friday, February 23rd, 2018 — MGWCC # 508 — SHARE THE LOVE, PUZZLE #4 — POSTPONED

Dear MGWCC Solver,

For the usual dull reasons I need to postpone MGWCC #508 until Saturday, February 24th, at 3:00 PM ET. I hate it when this happens even more than you do, but Tilghman was not a good sleeper this week and I wasn’t able to maximize my Week 4 idea. I’d rather postpone than post poorly, so I’m going to fix/refine it tonight and have it to you tomorrow.

Let me deflect your righteous outrage from me onto the cause of the problem, in photo below. Can’t stay mad, can you? Feel the rage dissipate! Aww.

Anyway, thanks for understanding and I’ll be in touch tomorrow. I can also deflect your meta-powers to this week’s WSJ contest crossword, available here:


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