MGWCC #638 — Friday, August 21st, 2020 — “Treasure Hunt” by the Feared Pirate Captain Gridd

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of February 2020 MGWCC is available only to subscribers at my Patreon page. A subscription costs $3/month.

Title: “Grid…of…Fortune!”
Prompt: This week’s contest answer is a phrase.
Correct entries: 547

We played some “Wheel of Fortune” last week, as the theme entries told us:

19-A: [“Welcome to ‘Grid of Fortune’! I’m your host, Matt Sajak. Our first category today is: ON THE MAP. Good luck!”] = MID-ATLANTIC

27-A: [“Next category: PEOPLE”] = BLANKET HOGS

48-A: [“Next category: BEFORE & AFTER”] = COLUMBIA RIVER RATS. This is the “Wheel” category where two unrelated phrases are joined by a common word, in this case “Columbia River” and “river rats”.

64-A: [“Next category: PHRASE”] = CAN I HELP YOU?

77-A: [“And our final category: LIVING THING”] = GRIZZLY BEAR

Solvers couldn’t help but notice that a bunch (21, to be precise) of the down entries were just clued as [???]. Why? Because each of the five theme entries was a “Wheel of Fortune” round, so of course Sajak isn’t going to give you all the letters! So you gotta piece it together like a contestant.

And these pieced-together entries were the key: take the squares in theme entries where the crossing down clue is a [????] and they spell out:


That’s the standard “Wheel” line “I’d like to solve the puzzle,” and how meta is it that you are indeed solving the puzzle just by typing the phrase? Answer: it’s quite meta.

MetaNewbie is getting the hang of it:

First one without any hints from my sister!

As is Stax:

I think this is the first Meta Gaffney Puzzle I’ve ever answered!

Same for SCW:

I can’t believe I solved the puzzle! My first one (been subscribing for about two months)!

RJS is back with us after a break:

Hello again after a long time. I can’t recall what my old unique nickname used to be so I hope I’m not using the same one. Thank you!

You’re not! But even if you were it’d be OK.

And finally, Bird Lives almost got the shows mixed up:

I nearly submitted, “What is ‘I’d like to solve the puzzle,’?”

Reminds me of this:


The Feared Pirate Captain Gridd has hidden a great piece of treasure. Are you clever enough to find it? This week’s contest answer is the missing piece of treasure.

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