MGWCC #706 — Friday, December 10th, 2021 — “Happy Early New Year!”


Title: “Ten by Ten”
Prompt: This week’s contest answer is an NFL team.
Correct entries: 672 overall, of which 653 were solo solves

Are you ready for some football? Sure, why not. The 10th letter of the alphabet showed up 10 times in our “Ten by Ten” puzzle, and always as the initials of a two-word phrase:

16-A: [Server of Caribbean Passion smoothies] = JAMBA JUICE
10-D: [Dublin-born author of “Dubliners”] = JAMES JOYCE
63-A: [Denim top] = JEAN JACKET
28-D: [“Gotcha!”] = JUST JOKING
39-A: [First chief justice of the Supreme Court] = JOHN JAY

Which NFL team fits that pattern? The hapless JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS, found by 672 solvers, which is more than the total number of yards they gained on offense last year. I’M KIDDING! But I did look it up to be sure.

Birdbrain says:

Jumping for joy after solving this.

dk letter asks:

I could not find a way to solve this without instructions. Was there a hidden clue?

Yeah, not really. Sorry, still getting adjusted to the Downs Only / No Instructions formats. Will do better, and formulate a policy on it for next month (e.g. should there always be a way to solve it Down Only / No Instructions? Not sure it’s feasible but I’ll look at it).

And finally, about 30 solvers just submitted “Bortles!” as their comment so I will leave that there…and BORTLES!!! back at ya. [cc: Megan Amram]


This week’s contest answer is a 12-letter activity

Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.

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