MGWCC #793 — Friday, August 11th, 2023 — “Consider the Alternative”


Title: “State of Disarray”
Prompt: This week’s contest answer is a four-word slogan I’ve disobeyed with this crossword.

Answer: DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS, found by 549 solvers, of which 531 were solo solves

Uh-oh — I messed with Texas! Well, with the *word* at least. Each of last week’s theme entries contained the letters T-E-X-A-S in consecutive order, though thoroughly mixed. Like so:

17-A: [Paragon] = BEST EXAMPLE
23-A: [4% in Wyoming or 5% in Wisconsin, e.g.] = SALES TAX RATE
38-A: [Mariner’s tool] = NAUTICAL SEXTANT
47-A: [August 12, 2023] = NEXT SATURDAY. Not anymore it’s not!
61-A: [Can’t move on from] = FIXATES UPON

Those five chunks of theme each anagram to TEXAS, making “Don’t Mess With Texas” our contest answer. Thanks to Gridmaster T for the fancy graphic above.


This week’s contest answer is an eight-letter adjective.

Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.

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