MGWCC #861 — Sunday, December 1st, 2024 — “I Shall Return”


Title: “Half-Dozen of the Other”
Prompt: This puzzle’s contest answer is a six-letter word beginning with C.
Answer: CLEVER found by 192 solvers, 75 of which were solo solves

Kind of a strange one! It got a very reasonable number of solves (192) for a Week 4, and the click was strong, but still solvers did not especially like this one. Full review coming later, but please read the following note:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Today’s puzzle will be a Week 1/5 in December instead of the expected Week 5 of November. Instead, December will have a Week 5 (which it wouldn’t normally this year) later in the month. So puzzles will be published this month as follows:

Week 1 — Sunday, Dec. 1

Week 2 — Friday, Dec. 6

Week 3 — Friday, Dec. 13

Week 4 — Friday, Dec. 20

Week 5 — Friday, Dec. 27

Also, I have turned off payments for December as a present to each solver for putting up with my many publication delays in 2024. Busy time of life here so hard to avoid, but I wanted to show my appreciation for how few (almost zero!) complaints I’ve gotten from solvers about it. I’ve made some adjustments and it should be smoother sailing in 2025!



No instructions given here since there are no-instructions solving options available this week).

Good luck!
