Something was a little off with all five pieces of theme trivia last week:
17-A [Neighbor of Iran] = KAZAKHSTAN
25-A [Best Actress winner after Young] = Olivia DE HAVILLAND
36-A [Churchill successor] = Harold MACMILLAN
50-A [Element next to fermium on the periodic table] = CALIFORNIUM
60-A [Prime number preceding 101] = EIGHTY-NINE
But none if those is quite right; in each case, in fact, there’s something between what’s in the clue and the given answer:
Iran doesn’t neighbor KAZAKHSTAN; Turkmenistan is between them
Loretta Young was followed as Best Actress not by DE HAVILLAND but by Jane Wyman
Churchill was not succeeded by MACMILLAN directly; Anthony Eden served between them
CALIFORNIUM and fermium are not next to each other on the periodic table; einsteinium comes between them
The prime number preceding 101 is in fact ninety-seven, which comes between it and EIGHTY-NINE.
Take the first letter of those in-betweeners — Turkmenistan, Wyman, Eden, einsteinium, and ninety-seven — and you get contest answer TWEEN, indeed a fitting kind of person for this meta.
kaes says:
Appropriate for the middle week of the month!
Ed liked it:
Very nice! I like how one’s entrypoint to solving the meta likely depended on one’s expertise: math, chemistry, geography, history popular culture. I knew 89 was wrong, and everything followed from there.
GMatthews is doing well:
Only two left ‘tween me and my first complete month!
Jed understands the contest answer:
I just recently acquired one of these.
People solve MGWCC all over the world, like cor:
I’m ‘tween planes in the Delhi airport lounge.
And finally, Asdanf figures:
If only the title had been “Puzzle After Week 2”, I’d be able to claim credit for solving a week 4.
This week’s winner, whose name was chosen at random from among the 325 correct entries received, is Stephen McNeil of Petaluma, Calif. In addition to a MGWCC pen, pencil, and notepad set, Stephen will also receive a 1-year subscription to Matt Gaffney’s Daily Crossword.
Guest Constructor this week! Dave Sullivan is the web guru for MGWCC, implementing and maintaining the leaderboards without which this site couldn’t function. He’s also an accomplished constructor, and I think you’ll dig this meta as much as I did.
This week’s contest answer is a restaurant in the U.S.
Solve well, and be not led astray by words intended to deceive.